Saturday, March 25, 2023

A Symbolic Levitation?

 I keep getting very spooky behavior from a sound machine I use at night. In December and early January it acted up in various strange ways I describe in my post here. In February the machine acted very normally. This week it has again been acting very mysteriously. On two different nights this week the machine inexplicably turned off four different times. Last night it inexplicably turned off five times. After one of these turn-off events, something else very strange happened. 

I was in front of the machine, and had picked up a folder holding paper where I record strange events occurring with this machine, and also record my dreams. The machine had just mysteriously turned off. Inside the folder was a pen, which fell to the floor (I could hear the sound of it hitting the floor). The room light was off. I reached around for the pen, but could not find it on the floor. Baffled, I turned on the light, and looked further for the fallen pen; but at first I could not find it.  Finally I found the pen in a position where it never should have landed. 

Near the sound machine I have a fan resting about half a meter above the floor. The fan is sitting on a plastic bin. Behind the fan I found the pen, atop the bin, looking rather like someone lying on a high ledge. There are two reasons why it should have been impossible for the pen to have ended up in that spot about half a meter high:  (1) the pen was about half a meter above the floor, and pens don't bounce that high when dropped; (2) the fan in front of me should have stopped any pen bouncing off the ground from reaching the spot behind the fan.  My position in relation to the fan is shown in the photo below (when the pen dropped, I was in about the same position as when I took the photo below). 

I have a speculative hypothesis regarding this strange event: the idea that what occurred was a symbolic levitation. The pen had risen up and landed on the other side of the fan. This may have symbolized the idea of a soul rising up from a dead body and ending up on the Other Side:  some afterlife realm that many refer to as the Other Side. 

On the same night a very small green light in the bathroom mysteriously turned off and then turned back on a second later, an event I have seen on several days. I speculate about a symbolic meaning of such an event in the post here.

Postscript: The next night there were several additional cases of the sound machine turning off its sound mysteriously. This night I spent only about a minute looking at the sound machine, but I saw (1) the clock on the machine resetting its time from 12:18 to 12:00; (2) the brightness of the clock display increasing very noticeably as I watched it. In both cases I was not touching the machine. 

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