Friday, May 31, 2024

A Blue-White Orb

Photo date: May 31, 2024. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

It Lasted Longer Than a Meteor

 The 1911 report below discusses a "ball of fire" lingering in the sky between 30 seconds and six minutes (according to different witness accounts):

ball of fire in sky
You can read the report on the page here:

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Four Men Saw an Orb Turn Into a Woman?

Below is a startling news report from the November 1, 1899 edition of the Washburn Times:

apparition news report
You can read the report on its original page using the link below:

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Monday, May 27, 2024

One Thousand Came to See Orbs?

 The old newspaper account below can be read at the link here:

We read of a thousand gathering to see what look like luminous lights rising from a grave:

orb sighting story

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Saturday, May 25, 2024

He Said the Luminous Orb Came From the Sky

 Below is a newspaper account of a sighting of a mysterious orb. You can read the full account here (under the headline "Mr. Schulz Views Weird Spectacle"):

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Spooky Hops and Spooky Starts

 On May 21, 2024 I went into the bathroom and stood at least six inches from a tube of creme, which was positioned just exactly as shown in the photo below. Without any imaginable cause, the tube fell forward, landing at the sink drain.  I had not touched the tube in hours.  The same thing happened this morning. I stood at least six inches away from the tube, which I had not touched in more than an hour, when I saw the tube mysteriously fall forward, landing at the sink drain. In both of these cases I am sure that no towel or belt or anything in contact with me came anywhere near the tube. 

A few minutes ago I was alone using my I-Pad, with the TV controller an arm's length away on the couch I sat on,  and the Playstation controller and Playstation machine meters away. I had been watching TV for hours while working on a blog post. Then my Playstation device mysteriously turned on, at about 6:12 PM.  This has happened three times before, as recorded here and  here.  I get both mysterious "turn on" events and mysterious "turn off" events, with 30+ cases of a spooky turn off immediately followed by a spooky turn on. 

After such events, I may be tempted to think "talk about your Spirit Signs."

Postscript (June 4): by now I have seen several  additional repetitions of the spooky hops reported above. I just saw an example a few minutes ago. I stood about 4 inches away from the tube shown below, positioned on the rim of my sink, a tube I had not touched in hours:

While brushing my teeth about  four inches away from the tube, I saw the tube fall off the rim of the sink, falling towards the sink's drain hole. To make sure this could not have been anything I did, I put the tube back in the position shown above, and tried several times to bump my body against the tube in a way that would make it fall from the position shown above. None of these attempts worked. But somehow the tube fell to the sink bottom when I stood four inches away from it. 

Post-postscript (December 29, 2024): In the second half of 2024 I have seen numerous repetitions of this "jumping tube"  phenomenon, including one such event today. 

Meditation Yielding an Orb?

On the front page of the May 13, 1978 Psychic News, we have an account about the widely discussed  psychic Mathew Manning:

We read this:

"Matthew has developed a technique of meditation which enables him to produce far more powerful effects. He showed a series of remarkable photographs to demonstrate this, taken before and after meditation. In the later photographs his image and surroundings were completely obscured by a radiant ball of energy. Another startling picture showed this ball of energy near his head. In a second photograph it had transferred itself to a person about whom Matthew was thinking."

The Psi Encyclopedia has an article on Manning that discusses many reports of strange or paranormal phenomena occurring around him, including poltergeist activity and spoon bending:

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Orb From the Other Side?

 On page 7 of the February 21, 1976 edition of Psychic News, we have an account by Eric Woolley of some remarkable phenomena:

Woolley states this:

"We have held and played with a brilliantly-glowing ball that came through to us from a group of children on the Other Side. We have listened enthralled to our teaching guide's vivid and colorful descriptions of life on their plane...Healing has been given for breast and stomach cancers. Internal hemorrhage declared terminal was stopped. Cardiac deterioration was halted, and oncoming blindness arrested. Sight was restored, as the ophthalmologist confirmed, with spectacles not being required except for close work." 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Telepathic Orb?

 Medium Craig Hamilton-Parker reported some strange orb experiences on page 6 of the February 5, 2000 edition of Psychic News:

Craig recalls this:

"There was a second brilliant flash and the room remain illuminated for some time. The light then folded in on itself and formed into a luminous ball about four feet across in the center of the room and floating at about head height. Jane and I sat speechless as it hovered for what seemed like an eternity reality must have been about thirty seconds. It then shot across the room, out of the door, and toward the living room. I leaped out of bed and gave chase. Seconds later it disappeared leaving no trace."

Craig recalls having this experience as a child:

"As a young child I would experience a ball of light that seemed to read my thoughts -- a manifestation of spirit perhaps? Jane had a peculiar experience one day while alone with her then nine year old daughter Chantal from her first marriage. 'Chantal and I saw a ball of orange light about a foot across hovering in the living room.' says Jane. 'It moved towards us and hovered in the air about three feet in front of us. Chantel was becoming frightened as I put my hand out and tried to touch it. My hand went right through it. There was a swishing sound as the ball of light bounced onto the TV and out of the window.'  " 

Monday, May 20, 2024

An Orb Morphing Into a Woman?

 In the October 30, 1937 edition of Psychic News, we read an account by J. D. Leisure of visiting a female medium in Detroit, USA. The first page can be read here:

J. D. says he did not identify himself.  He says he saw mysterious forms appear. On the next page, he states this, referring to his deceased father:

'There then appeared a form that was a perfect counterpart of my father. The medium knew nothing of any of my kin....This form parted the curtains and stepped into the middle of the circle, facing me. I arose and stepped out in front of him and took his extended hand in a handshake...His perfect likeness as reflected in this form was still more convincing. ....Size, likeness and personal peculiarities were exact reproductions of the form I knew in earth life as Father."

On the same page we have this stunningly strange account:

"As my father dematerialized, a small luminous spot appeared on the floor near where my father had been standing. One of the circle remarked that it was the spirit light of my father. I thought so, too. But as we watched it, it began to grow larger and when about the size of a large orange it began a whirling motion. The motion increased rapidly in speed and the luminous ball began to assume an upright and elongated shape. Within a few seconds it grew to the height of fully five feet, and the outline of a human figure was plainly discernible. More and more the form developed into a perfect human being -- a beautiful young lady of apparently twenty years. She said she was Mina, the medium's guide. She dematerialized into a luminous cloud, which faded away."

Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Mysterious Blue Orb At a Child's Deathbed

 The account below appeared on page 5 of the March 15, 1969 edition of Psychic News:

orb seen at deathbed

You can read the 1969 account using the link here:

Another page describing the same incident in greater detail can be read here:

This version of the account appears on page 8 of the June 7, 1947 edition of Psychic News. The ship's doctor witnessing the incident is identified as W. T. O'Hara.  The 1947 account seems quite consistent with the shorter 1969 account in the photo box above. The White Star Line mentioned in the second account went out of business in 1934, so the event presumably occurred before 1935. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Spirit Signs #22

 Below is the latest in a series of short videos I am making. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Orbs in Some Near Death Experiences

 On the page here, we have a description of the near-death experience of Reinee Pasarow. She states this  happened after she had a severe injury:

"Then, just like that (clapping her hands), I became a ball of light or energy in the midst of this crowd that was circling a body. I became massively aware, unlike any awareness I had had during physical existence. I was not really aware of myself. I was aware of everyone around me. I was aware of my mother and my neighbors, and my friends and the firemen and what they were thinking and what they were feeling and what they were hoping and what they were praying. This was such a pummeling input of emotion and information that I was all at once overwhelmed and confused, and rather disoriented....And then I became aware that the thing on the sidewalk, that thing that suddenly became a piece of meat to me, was what I had identified as myself before, but had no connection with it other than that I had been with it for a very long time. But it had nothing to do with me because suddenly, I was more of a person than I had ever been before. I was more conscious than I could ever be. I was free of the limitations of being a physical being."

The rest of the experience is very involved, and it makes interesting reading. Another person (Juliet Nightingale) who had a near-death experience states this:

"Even though I was no longer in my physical body, I did have form – a body of sorts. The best way I can describe this is that I felt like a bubble – floating and moving about effortlessly – sometimes very fast … or gently drifting about."

In an interesting description of a near-death experience, Lou Famoso says he saw "five orbs of light."  It seems Lou later came to think of these as corresponding to five children he would eventually father. 

These accounts are on a site that has a long page entitled "Orbs and the Near-Death Experience."  We read, "Many near-death accounts describe encounters with orbs." We read this account by Chris Taylor:

"My first OBE was when I was about 20 years old and was in a cabin on a oil rig 100 miles off the coast of Scotland. I was aware of a spinning orb of red and yellow. I left my body and entered the orb. I watched myself struggling to call out to my mate. He was on the bottom bunk. I returned to my body and told no one of the experience for fear of ridicule."

Virginia Falce reported having an out-of-body experience as doctors were massaging her heart for three minutes, trying to revive her. She said this:

"I felt this absolute sense of love and peace embracing me, pulling me from somewhere. I looked over and could see it was coming from a glowing circle of light.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Orb With a Curved Stripe

 Photo date; May 9, 2024. Photographer: Mark Mahin. 

We see below a mysterious orb I photographed indoors. 

striped orb with curved stripe

Oddly Ominous

 I continue to observe various spooky and hard-to-explain things. Last night, for example, I observed the screen of my Simplisafe home security system mysteriously flashing as I ate dinner meters away.  The screen  normally looks as you see it below.  To an average owner of the device, the screen only lights up if you touch one of the buttons, or if the alarm is on and someone triggers it. But when I saw the screen flashing while I ate dinner, no one had touched any of the buttons for hours, and no alarm had been triggered, the alarm being off when I noticed the flashing.  So why would the screen have been flashing? It wasn't flashing this morning.  Not long ago the same machine had acted very oddly by saying only "alarm" when I turned off the alarm. Normally the device says "alarm off" when I turn off the alarm.  Something equally spooky occurred involving my refrigerator, but I won't describe it. 

Twice in the past three days (before I ever learned how to turn on the flashlight at the back of my iPhone) I saw the flashlight on the back of my iPhone had mysteriously turned on. It reminds me of what used to happen on a Samsung tablet device I had. The flashlight on the back of the tablet device would repeatedly turn on although I had done nothing to cause that.  My post here has a video of that happening, even when the tablet device was turned off. 

Two spooky things I have seen recently seem rather ominous. I noticed a bunch of mushrooms had suddenly appeared in my front garden.  Oddly they seemed to have popped up in a rather large size although I had not noticed them before in a smaller size.  They looked like what are called Death Cap  mushrooms. I removed all of them.  A few days later I noticed a bunch more mushrooms in the garden, again rather large. It was again as if they had very quickly popped up. Again, I got rid of them. 

This morning I noticed a salt container that I had used last night was upside-down. I have no memory of having placed it in that position. On the bottom of the salt container there was an expiration date, which was now visible for the first time. Was this some kind of death warning? 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

From a 2007 Newspaper Article

 Below we have part of what appeared in the newspaper article here:

spirit orbs newspaper article

For an article on this topic, by the researcher named above, see here

Since 2007 the evidence for the reality of an important unexplained orb phenomenon has grown dramatically. The new evidence that has appeared since then includes:
  • Massive evidence of dramatic stripes in mysterious orbs, with more than 800 examples shown in the document here.
  • Massive evidence of repeating patterns in mysterious orbs, as shown here and here

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Orbs at His Deathbed

 The account below from 2009 claims two examples of paranormal phenomena:

(1) Mysterious orbs visibly seen at someone's deathbed. 

(2) A mysterious voice at a deathbed, identified as the voice of the dying person's deceased mother.

orbs visible at deathbed

You can read the full original story using the link below: