Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Precognitive Dream?

Yesterday I dreamed that Nancy Pelosi was at the Democratic National Convention, telling jokes about politicians in the Republican party. The convention will be held in Chicago this week. I did an internet search to see whether I could find any information to corroborate this dream. I saw a news article saying that Pelosi will be in Chicago, and will be featured on Stephen Colbert's Late Show as part of its coverage of the  convention. Now, Colbert is a comedian, and his Late Show is basically witty banter,  so we can assume that Pelosi will tell a joke or two about the Republicans, just like in my dream. 

If the dream was precognitive, it was not my first such dream. About a year before the World Trade Center collapsed, I had a dream of it collapsing. It is the only building that has collapsed in one of my dreams. 

Postscript: Pelosi did speak at the Democratic National Convention on August 21, 2024, but her speech had no jokes. There was widespread discussion on the Internet that day about whether at the convention on the previous night Barack Obama had made a certain type of joke by indicating with his hands a certain length while referring to Donald Trump's focus on crowd sizes. And The Guardian stated that in her speech at the convention Michele Obama  "lampooned" Trump on that night. So I can merely describe my dream as being roughly accurate, but not precisely accurate. 

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