Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Striking Pair of Dreams

 I continue to have innumerable dreams suggesting a theme of life after death, as I have had for years. You can read a description of 400+ such dreams by reading my post here, which I have updating for years. 

Last night I had a striking pair of dreams involving the same person, the 99-year-old former US president Jimmy Carter. First, there was a kind of "life review" statement in which a narrator said Carter was a good man. Then there was a visual of Carter traveling in a convertible, in the front seat, with has late wife Rosalyn driving. Oddly, there was a position change while they were driving, so that now Carter was driving, with Rosalyn in the other front seat.  Carter had gone over to the other side of the vehicle, a visual that may be symbolic of "going to the Other Side," or an afterlife. 

I woke up and recorded this dream in the notebook I use to record dreams at night. I then fell back to sleep. Upon awaking I remembered I had now had a second dream about Carter. In this dream he started out in a vehicle, and then it was like his body had floated out of the vehicle, and was now kind of floating in front of me. Again we have what seems like an afterlife reference, one that may symbolize a spirt leaving the "vehicle" of  the body (the body is often called the vehicle of the soul).  I can never recall having two dreams in one night about someone not a member of my family. 

The 99-year-old Carter has been in hospice for 18 months (an unusually long length of time to be in hospice).   I shook his hand during his successful presidential candidacy in 1976. 

Postscript: About a week later I had another dream about Carter, one also seeming to have afterlife symbolism. In the dream he was crossing the English Channel in an airplane, and then pumping his fists in triumph after landing. We have the motifs of an ascent, and a crossing over to an Other Side, with a triumphant result. 


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