Monday, August 26, 2024

Shadow Stripe Orbs: A Retrospective (Part 2)

 In part 1 of this retrospective series, I showed some mysterious orbs I photographed with shadow stripes. Let's look at some more. 

In the two photos below the one on the right has a more clear example of a shadow stripe. The repetition of the pattern during a short time span is striking. 

orb pattern repetition

A shadow stripe is one looking like the one above. There may be either one or two of the "shadow lines."

In the photo below, we rather seem to see a number 7 in an orb. 

number in orb

We see another orb with a shadow-stripe near a bookcase:

Below we have three examples of shadow-stripe orbs:

orb shadow stripes

In the photo below we see a letter "L" in an orb with a shadow stripe:

We see a very clear shadow stripe in the bright orb below:

bright orb with shadow stripe

We see below a shadow stripe in the orb above the TV. It is interesting that the actress shown (Jane Powell) has a slight roundabout connection to a relative of mine she never met, one I won't explain. 

paranormal woman

The mysterious green orb below has a clear shadow stripe:

green orb with shadow stripe

Finally we have this mysterious orb with two shadow stripes:

orb with two shadow stripes

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