Friday, August 2, 2024

When Recall Comes "Out of Nowhere"

 We all know how memory recall works in regard to things you haven't thought of in many years. Before there is some recall of something you haven't thought of in a very long time, there is almost invariably some stimulus causing the recall. For example, nobody just goes from thinking about the American presidential election to recalling the Battle of Trafalgar. But if you happen to be thinking about Vivian Leigh, you may recall her memorable performance in the movie "That Hamilton Woman." And you may then recall that movie's ending, in which her character learns the results of the Battle of Trafalgar, which you may not have thought about in ages. 

This morning I lay awake in bed, and out of nowhere there pops into my mind the catchy refrain of the song "Angel of the Morning." I had not heard the song in very many years, and also had not recalled its tune or lyrics in very many years. And I wasn't thinking about angels, or the morning, or any singer who ever sang the song,  nor did I dream about an angel or a morning. I could not even recall any singer or group who sang the song. Where did the very distant recollection of the tune and lyric come from?  Cases like this may make me wonder about whether a thought or recollection may suddenly pop into your head, caused by some supernatural agent. 

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