Saturday, March 22, 2025

Another Thought of Someone Shortly Before Learning of Their Death

 Last night I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when I very oddly thought of two people who have been out of the news for 35 years: Michael Dukakis and his wife Kitty. Michael Dukakis was the 1988 Democratic nominee for US president. Both Michael Dukakis and his wife have been out of the news for about 35 years, so it was odd that I should be thinking of them. Today I learned that Kitty Dukakis died last night. Prior to today I had not read anything about either of the two for years. 

A similar event is described in my post here, entitled "A Thought of Someone Just Before Hearing of His Death." While lying in bed on a day last August, I oddly thought of Phil Donahue, a talk show host I had not  heard any mention of in years. After arising from bed, I learned that morning that Phil Donahue had died the previous night. 

It has long been suspected by parapsychologists that ESP can occur more strongly when someone is in an altered state of consciousness different from regular alert consciousness.  There is a huge body of written evidence for clairvoyance in subjects under hypnosis. You can read about some of that evidence in my series of 14 posts here, continuing to press Older Posts at the bottom.  For example, the post here describes evidence for hypnotic clairvoyance gathered by a chemistry professor at Scotland's leading university.  Besides such evidence (which mainly comes from the 19th century), there is a very strong body of very modern experimental evidence for ESP occurring during the sensory deprivation  produced under the Ganzfeld protocol. Read the post here for some details. Here is a quote from the scientific paper here:

"From 1974 to 2018, the combined ganzfeld database contained 117 studies. Of those, studies using targets sets with 4 possible targets included 3,885 test sessions, resulting in 1,188 hits, corresponding to a 30.6% hit rate. With chance at 25%, this excess hit rate is 8.1 sigma above chance expectation (p = 5.6 × 10-16). Analysis of these studies showed that similar effect sizes were reported by independent labs, that the results were not affected by variations in experimental quality, and that selective reporting biases could not explain away the results. The Bayes Factors (BF) associated with the last 108 more recently published ganzfeld telepathy studies was 18.8 million in favor of H1 (i.e., evidence favoring telepathy). Given that BF > 100 is considered 'decisive' evidence, this outcome far exceeds the 'exceptional evidence' said to be required of exceptional claims.[48,49] By comparison, in particle physics experiments effects resulting in 5 or more sigma are considered experimental 'discoveries.' ”

The probability of 1 in 5.6 × 10-16  cited is a likelihood of less than 1 in a quadrillion. So the ganzfeld experiments got results with a chance likelihood of less than 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000.  

A person lying in bed with his eyes closed (in a drowsy state)  may be in a state similar to the state produced by the Ganzfeld sensory deprivation protocol, under which many very successful ESP tests have occurred.  In such a state a person might telepathically be more prone to acquire information coming from minds beyond this world, such as minds existing on some Other Side. This might be an explanation for some of these cases of a person lying in bed,  thinking of someone he has not thought of in years, and then soon learning that person died less than 12 hours ago. 

Today (March 22) about 40 minutes ago I was cooking spaghetti and had the stove fan running, as I always do when using any of the gas burners. Suddenly the sound of the fan stopped. I looked up and saw the green light had gone off.  I was worried that the fan had "died," having had in my life two or three times when fans stopped running and then never could be turned back on. But upon pressing one of the  buttons, the fan and the green light turned back on.  The fan on this stove has the quirk that you can only turn off the fan and the green light by pressing the button on the far right two times in quick succession.  But no visible person had done that. I was alone at home at the time, several meters away from the stove when the fan turned off.  The last time this happened was in March of 2024. I have cooked pasta many times in the past year without seeing any such mysterious turn off of the fan. 

There are fancy digital programmable range hoods that allow someone to program a shut off after a specified interval. But the range hood I have seems to be a simpler affair offering no such possibility. Its only control buttons are the ones shown below. 

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