Tuesday, March 18, 2025

St. Patrick's Day Anomaly

Although I have never seen something materialize as I watched,  I have many times in my life found some unexpected object that rather seemed to have appeared "out of nowhere," some of which are described in my series of posts here. Yesterday was another example. About 1:10 PM I started to make myself lunch. Before eating I washed several things in the sink, including some leafy vegetables. After eating I washed the plate and cup I had used. Then suddenly I noticed there was a plainly visible bobby pin in the basin of the sink, a few inches away from the drain.  I asked myself: how could I have failed to observe that when I was using the sink before? As best I remember, this sink had been empty except for the items I was washing. It was just as if the bobby pin had appeared "out of nowhere" near the drain of the sink, seconds before I saw it.

I was the only person in the kitchen when I had lunch, and I can think of no reason why anyone would have left a bobby pin in the sink. I can think of a symbolic reason why a bobby pin might have appeared in such a sink, particularly on a St. Patrick's Day, but I will omit an explanation of that at this time. 

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