Monday, August 31, 2015

Orbs Keep Appearing on the Flag Edges

We will now see a series of 4 previously unpublished photos taken in Grand Central Station in New York. They will all show the same things: mysterious floating orbs positioned on the edge of a large flag in the station.

Here is the first photo, from August 26, 2015.  Note the orb on the left edge of the flag.

orbs in photos
Here is another photo from the same day. Now an orb is on the bottom edge of the flag.

orbs in pictures
Here is a photo taken from August 29, 2015. Look closely to see the large orb on the top right edge of the flag.

Here is another photo which was the next photo taken after the photo above (on August 29).  It looks like the same orb has moved over, and is now on the top left edge of the flag.

orb on flag
What is the chance of this all happening coincidentally?  One in a million, perhaps?

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