Sunday, March 2, 2025
Some Are Striped
Saturday, March 1, 2025
An Orb Forming Into a Face Matching His Mother's?
In a post on this site not long ago I quoted a book by an anonymous witness claiming to have seen a ball of light transform into the figure of a child. I mentioned that an account like that is second-class evidence, because of the failure of the witness give his name. Many similar accounts, I noted, were given by witnesses who gave their names, and also often gave their addresses.
It did not take long after writing that post to find just such an account. On page 118 of the March 10, 1876 edition of the periodical The Spiritualist, which you can read here, we have an account by the named witness George Starnes, who gives his address. He describes observations he recently had at "the Spiritual Institution, 19, Church Street, Islington." He states this:
"Several spirit-hands now touched us; a hoop was placed round my neck, and a hand was distinctly seen to take it off. Several partly materialised forms were seen. A column of light was seen between a gentleman and myself, and Lilly afterwards informed us that my mother had tried to show herself, but had not power enough, but that she would probably succeed next time. On the last occasion a spirit—Daniel Watts—said in a loud distinct voice, ' Good evening, Mr. Bullock,' and ' Good evening, Mrs. Bullock.' He then showed us some beautiful spirit lights. A long arm and hand were then projected from the cabinet and held out to me. I took the hand, saying, 'Is this your hand, mother?' when my hand was violently shaken three times, and then lifted up as high as I could reach. The hand and arm were quite solid, and long and thin as my mother’s would be.
A hall of light was now seen at the aperture, which gradually resolved itself into the appearance of the face of my mother when on her death bed; this was repeated several times. Then a very large ball of light, quite opaque and intensely white, a living, moving mass of light such as I had never witnessed before, was seen to leave the medium’s body and ascend to the aperture; moving to and fro like an ambient flame, it took the shape of the head and face of my mother, with a large high cap, with wide border, thus showing the full face, which continued for about two minutes to nod to me and to turn itself about that I might view it in its various phases. I most distinctly traced in this representation the high cheek hones, the thin face, and taper chin of my mother, who has been ' dead ' about eight years. Another ball of light was now visible, a much smaller one, and this resolved into the head and face of a little child, and was at once recognised as a child belonging to a lady in the circle, which child had died some time ago."
Around page 295 of the document here, we have an account of many strange observations. One claim seems to refer to hypnosis when it refers to putting someone to sleep. We read this:
"Madame Z. saw her own astral body form itself, at the distance of about one metre, on her right side, in the shape of a luminous, bluish cloud. When Mr. de R. put Mireille to sleep she saw a ball of light detach itself from her head, and remain on top of it."
As the account does not give real full names, as evidence it is inferior to the evidence provided by George Starnes, which meets several criteria of first-class evidence, such as a named witness reporting what he saw very recently, with the report being published soon after it was written.