Monday, February 15, 2016

The Ghostly Gush

Photo date: February 9, 2016. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I have recently been taking an incredibly strange series of photos that show a very weird set of transformations of the light from my TV set.  You can see dozens of previous photos of this type by looking at this very astonishing series of photos. Below are some more authentic examples.

The first one shows the TV image gushing out of the TV like some juice pouring out of a bitten grape.


The second image shows words from the TV levitated above the TV.

paranormal rise
It will be interesting to look at a closeup here. At the bottom we see that the words "Music Choice" are being duplicated again and again.

Then in the upper part of the photo, we can read these words "Music Choice" twice.

Possibly what we are seeing here is the photographic effect called ghosting, when the camera catches multiple position states of a very rapidly moving object. It is as if the words "Music Choice" had risen up very rapidly above the TV, and the camera has captured lots of different position states of rapidly rising words.

The photos were flash photos with an exposure time of 1/30 of a second, using normal camera settings (no "Night photo" setting). 

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