Monday, February 29, 2016

Spooky "Shelf" of the Right Angle Light Rays

Photo date: February 25, 2016. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I have recently been taking an incredibly strange series of photos that show a very weird set of transformations of the light from my TV set. You can see dozens of previous photos of this type by looking at this very astonishing series of photos.  Below are some more authentic examples.

 In the first photo, light rays make an astonishing right-angle turn. The blue light rays form a shelf-like structure.  On the left a face from the TV floats above the set.

right angle light rays
The next photo shows something similar, except the "shelf" now has a more trapezoid-like appearance.

bending light
Then the light rays from the TV set descended in a southeast direction, as if some blown by a supernatural wind.

odd light
In the next photo we again see a sharp right-angle turn by light rays.

paranormal light
A closeup shows the astonishing bending of light rays from the alarm clock.

light bending
The photos were flash photos with an exposure time of 1/30 of a second, using normal camera settings (no "Night photo" setting).

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