Friday, March 27, 2015

Bright Orb Above the Donut Orbs

Photo date: February 26, 2015.   Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken in Grand Central Station in New York.

orb in Grand Central Station
 Below is a closeup of the top orb. We don't see a face, but notice an outer ring.

When an orb is this bright, it shows that the orb isn't just some speck of dust as a skeptic might have us believe. When one photographs specks of dust near the camera, they never look anywhere near as bright as on orb like this.  The reason is simple -- a particle of dust doesn't reflect much light. You would need a mirror-like surface floating in the air to produce a flash reflection as bright as this.

In the middle of the photo, we see the interesting thing shown below. I will label it as an "orb donut." I cannot recall seeing such a thing in the air, although I have observed something similar in water drops.

orb donut

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