Sunday, March 29, 2015

Speeding Orb Makes Sharp Right Angle Turn in Grand Central Station

Photo date: December 24, 2014.  Photographer: Mark Mahin.

Here is a rather spectacular photo taken in Grand Central Station in New York.

moving speeding orb

Below is a closeup cropped from the middle of the photo above. I slightly reduced the "Gamma correction" in this closeup.

moving speeding orb

While it is possible to interpret a photo like this as evidence of something with a snake-shaped body, given the fact that orbs are almost always circular, it is more likely that this is an object moving at high speed (like the 37 fast moving orbs shown on this composite photo). If you look closely at the second photo, we seem to see a circular shape that is repeated multiple times, in an effect that photographers call "ghosting," when the motion of an object greatly exceeds the shutter speed of a camera.  What we seem to have here is an object moving at very high speeds (much faster than an insect moves). Moreover, the object seems to be making a sharp right-angle turn, a type of motion that insects never make. The photo is evidence of an utterly anomalous motion that cannot be explained under our current knowledge.

I may note that the photo was taken by a male (myself)  with short hair, and cannot be explained as a hair. Hairs never have this type of right angle.

The photo may show more than one marvel. For when  we look at the top of the stairs, we see what looks like two strange apparitions. The one on the right seems to look like an animal head with a very happy expression.

See my posts labeled "apparition cluster" for many examples of similar oddities photographed at this location.

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