Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Fine Floating Face in Grand Central Station

Photo date: January 16, 2015.  Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken in Grand Central Station. This photo has been uploaded directly from the camera, and was not saved in any photo editor. Click here to download the photo (DSC06673) at its full resolution with its original EXIF data (or click below to see the photo at slightly less than full resolution).

Near the top center of the photo we see a near-perfect face on an orb. The photo below was cropped from the top center.

orb face
Below is a photo cropped from a little to the left of the center of the top photo. Here we have the type of anomaly that I am calling an apparition cluster. We see some very strange things. On the right of the photo, we see something looking like an elephant head that seems to be forming out of a wall. Also, one or two people seem to have strange dark clouds around their heads. We also seem to see two creatures with strange heads.

orb face
Many other paranormal-looking things can be found by clicking on the link given above, downloading the full photo, and then bringing up the photo in a photo editor and zooming in (Windows Photo Viewer works best for this task, since it has "zoom and pan" functionality). Below is one example cropped from near the center of the top photo. We see what looks like two strange creatures kissing each other.

creatures kissing
Below is a closeup cropped from the bottom left corner of the top photo. We seem to see a bird creature, and some other strange creature.


What can I say, folks? My camera keeps "hallucinating."

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