Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Veils and the Vortex

Photo date: April 14, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken while photographing ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling against a dark background. We see two strange phenomena documented on this blog: what I call orb veils (shown in the top of the photo), and what I call orb crescents (shown at the bottom of the photo).

orb crescents
Note that the orb crescents are arranged in a kind of pattern showing radial symmetry, like the pedals of a sunflower, or the wedges of an orange. Each of the round sides of the crescents is facing away from a point in the center. It is as if they are emanating out of some kind of strange vortex in the middle.

See my posts labeled "orb crescent" for 31 photos of orb crescents, and see my posts labeled "orb veils" for 44 photos of  orb veils.  See this post for 2 other photos of orb crescents arranged in a pattern of radial symmetry.

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