Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Golden Orb Rising From a Dying Man's Chest?

 Most people have heard of near-death experiences in which someone has a close brush with death, and reports having some striking paranormal-seeming experience that might include seeing his body from outside of it or a trip through some mysterious tunnel leading to some mystical realm where dead relatives are encountered, or events such as a rapid life review or encountering a Being of light. Much rarer than such accounts are accounts that have been called shared-death experiences. Such experiences were discussed in the 2010 book Glimpses of Eternity: Sharing a Loved One's Passage From This Life to the Next by Raymond Moody Jr.  In these "shared-death experience" accounts, a person in good health present when someone is dying may report some paranormal-seeming or mystical-experience far different from normal human consciousness. 

On pages 6-7 of the book, we read how a Dr. Jamieson  reported to Moody having an out-of-body experience just after failing to medically revive his mother when she died. She reports seeing the spirit of her deceased mother while the doctor was out of her own body, and later returning to her earthly body next to the body of her dead mother. On page 9 Moody gives an account of a woman who said she experienced a life review recalling scenes from the life of her son, at the time the son died. The woman claims to have verified that some of these private experiences of her son (which she had not previously known of) had occurred. On page 13 we read of five family members who all saw a paranormal-seeming light effect when a family member died. Similarly on page 14 we read of two sisters who claim to have experienced a life review of events in their mother's life when she died. 

On page 24 we read of someone named Tom who claims that when he saw his mother die, "I saw this film or transparent envelope of light close up and lift off her body going upwards and out of sight." On pages pages 25-26 a nurse named Millie Davis says that when her father died she saw two pillars of light. She also says she saw a strange mist rising from the body of her father when he died, and also claims that after she became a hospice nurse she saw such a mist many times rising from the body of a dying person.

On page 34 we have this account: "When his grandfather died, the young man was astounded to see 'a golden ball of light' rise from his chest and pass through the ceiling."   Another orb-related account is found on page 69.  On the day of a mother's death, a son recalls that "a globe of bright light formed around us," with scenes from the mother's life mysteriously projected on this globe. 

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