Sunday, June 23, 2024

When Luminous Orbs Spooked the Hospitals

 The report below is contained on page 1 of the May, 1934 edition of The International Psychic Gazette, and seems to be a repetition of an account that appeared in the prestigious Times of London. 

"PIRANO, a little town on the Istrian coast, peopled by fishermen and sailors, is greatly excited over a mysterious emanation of light which has roused the imagination and religious sentiments of the populace (says the Times.)

A woman, Anna Morano, was admitted to the local hospital some time ago suffering from asthma and hysterical attacks. About the middle of last month a nurse noted in the ward where the woman was sleeping with six or seven others an intense light of brief duration which came from the bed of the woman in the region of her chest. All the lights of the hospital were out and the windows closed. The nurse informed the doctors of what she had seen and the patient was watched.

For several successive evenings the luminous phenomenon was repeated. Sometimes the light was directed upwards and took the form of a globe, which shone in the darkness of the ward on to the nearest beds and even on to the walls, but at other times it lighted only the face of the patient and was in the form of rays. It was also seen to assume the appearance of broken rays resembling lightning. Its duration was invariably three or four seconds.

The Times also published a letter from Mr. R. H. Jackson, M .R .C. S., of Bridgeway, Bakewell, stating that a nurse described to him the case of a private patient who was lying in a comatose state for some days. A light resembling a small luminous globe floated into the room, and, after remaining a minute or two over the patient, disappeared. She did not mention the incident to the family, but discovered later that an old maidservant who shared duty with her had also seen it on several occasions."

The International Psychic Gazette story speculates that the strange sightings were "spirit lights."

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