Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Thousands Spot Spooky Red Orb Persisting for 3 Months

 Below is a report from the Niagra, New York "Journal Register" of November 4, 1983.

"What is the explanation for the strange phenomenon which has been taking place over the steeple of a Protestant church in West Germany, in the town of Wanfried? Ever since early July, a mysterious ball of red light has been appearing nightly over the church. Thousands have seen it. Is it a hoax? An optical illusion? The result of mass hysteria? Or is it - as many who have seen it maintain - a supernatural occurrence?

Stray reports of visions are not that rare. But for an apparition to reappear regularly over a period of more than three months is extraordinary - even [if] there is some good explanation for it. So far, though, nobody has come up with an explanation. The possibility has been mentioned that the brilliant light of the apparition is 'St. Elmo's fire,' a flaming phenomenon sometimes seen in stormy weather at prominent points on a plane or ship or at the tops of church steeples. It a charge of electricity, which is reddish when positive (the ball of light over the German church has been described as red), and bluish when negative. But St, Elmo's fire is not known to appear in fair weather as is the case with the apparition in Germany. "

You can read the report below, on the top left corner of a page  (page 17) which also describes another case that may be even harder to explain: the Zeitoun apparition case.

At the link below, we read of two police officers who chased a "ball of light" UFO in the sky, reporting that the speed of the object seemed to match the speed of their vehicle:

A similar report (involving a "big ball of light") is found here:

Similarly, in the 2013 story here we read of someone seeing an orange ball of light in the sky for 30 minutes, and someone else reporting four red balls of light flying over his home, including a "very bright red ball."

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