Sunday, June 2, 2024

She Said, "We See These Glowing Orbs of Light Every Night"

 In the HBO Max TV series "UFO Witness,"  Episode 2 of Season 2 has a theme of orb sightings. We hear near the beginning, "Sightings of glowing orb-shaped craft are on the rise," followed by the question "What do these aliens want?"  The narrator seems to be jumping to conclusions here, assuming that any orb seen in the sky is some craft from another planet.  We don't know what causes naked eye sightings of orbs. 

"There's definitely light orbs in the sky," says one of the hosts, while in Auburn, Massachusetts (USA). Another host says, "Specifically there's been many sightings of a UFO that looks like a glowing orb."  A narration then says (at the 1:43 mark) this: "In 2021 alone 48 glowing orb-shaped UFO's were spotted from New York to Maine."  We hear an eyewitness account by a woman named Samantha Dick who in 2021 around 4 AM  saw a bright color-changing orange orb "like a blob of lava" floating about, one she captured in a video that seems to show something very bright hanging in the air. 

Around the 28:15 mark someone says, "You have a lot of these people that have these interactions with these orbs, and are experiencing missing time."  I myself have never experienced such a thing. In a UFO encounter, a person will sometimes claim "missing time" involving a few hours that he can't account for. 

In Episode 4 of Season 2, a woman says at about the 30:00 mark, "On my reservation we see these glowing orbs of light every night." 

Early in the first episode of Season 1 of another TV series "Aliens in Alaska" we have an account by a couple who saw a big orange orb in the sky, describing it as extremely bright. We see some video footage showing such an orb in the sky. At the 17:20 mark of the second episode of Season 1a witness tells of seeing an orange sky orb going back and forth, and then suddenly disappearing. We have a similar report around the 39:00 mark and the 40:00 mark. At the 12:48 mark in Episode 4, Colei Stockton recalls seeing a bright orange ball of light in the night sky, one that soon disappeared.  She says it was followed by a sighting of a huge ship in the sky. Around the 22:04 mark a witness says he saw two orange orbs in the sky. 

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