Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I've Seen and Photographed Things This Weird

 Below is an incredibly strange report from the Hartford Republican of October 13, 1905 (click on the image to read the text more clearly):

weirdest weather

You can read the report on its original newspaper page using the link below:

The reported phenomenon reminds me of the "marvel of rainfall selectivity" phenomenon I describe and photographically document in my post below:

For photos and accounts justifying my claim in the title of this post, look around at the posts on this blog, such as the post below:

Below is the quick-corrected version of the OCR text of the story (for the benefit of non-English readers who may be reading this blog in a Google-translated version):

"Fall From a Cloudless Sky on Beautiful Warm Day
Mysterious Phenomenon Witnessed by Many People at Seventh and Center Streets

A curious natural phenomenon attracted the attention of number of
people Sunday  says the Owcnsboro
Inquirer. When Mrs. W M Cough
went into her yard Saturday afternoon
 her attention was called to
something resembling snow flakes
falling from above. She looked up
and over the housetops she could
discern the white flakes falling to
the ground. She reported what she
had seen to her husband. The 
neighbors began to congregate and
all were greatly mystified. Sunday
just at 2 o'clock Mr. Gough went
out to see if the happening of the
day before was to be repeated. At
first rain began to fall in the one
spot followed shortly by snow. The
curious thing about it all is that the
spot is the only place where the rain
or snow falls.  Every place around
is dry. This always takes place
when the sun shines in and never in
cloudy weather. So far no solution
of the problem has been offered."

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