Thursday, June 20, 2024

Anomalous Abraham

 This afternoon I was adding some new material at the end of a blog post for future publication, one on a topic of "persistent apparitions." The material I added was on White House sightings of the ghost of Abraham Lincoln.  I found several old newspaper stories on the topic, including the one below:

You can read the report on it original page using the link below:

According to the page here, US President Harry Truman wrote in his diary on May 27, 1945 that "the maids and butlers swear that he [Lincoln] has appeared on several occasions," and that the same claim was made by "Mrs. Coolidge," the wife of someone who was US president about 20 years earlier. 

In the bottom right corner of the same page, we get some more specifics from Eleanor Roosevelt. She says that in 1934 White House staff member Mary Eban went up to the second floor, and quickly became "wrought up," claiming that she saw Abraham Lincoln (who died in 1865) sitting on a bed and putting on his boots. 

As the newspaper story continues, we are told the poet Carl Sandburg looked out a particular window of the White House, and seemed to get a strange feeling. The story tells us that "several employees have reported seeing Lincoln's gaunt apparition standing at that very Oval Room window." The same page tells us that a janitor named Jerry Smith claimed that Lincoln haunted the White House. The next page and the next page have a quote by a long-time White House employee who claims that a very prestigious visitor to the White House reported seeing the ghost of Lincoln. 

Just after adding the text above to the end of a post I will later publish on the topic of "persistent apparitions," I got up a few minutes ago to get some water, and was very surprised to see that on the spot of the couch where I had sat there now was a US penny, very plainly visible, in a spot where I noticed no such coin upon sitting down at the spot maybe 30 minutes earlier.  It was as if the penny had appeared out of nowhere.  The face on a US penny is that of Abraham Lincoln.  The incident was one of many eerie-seeming things I have seen regarding coins, some of which are discussed here and here.  The penny looked as below when I saw it:

I was wearing at the time tight-fitting shorts with deep pockets, not the type of shorts that ever spill coins when someone is sitting. 

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