Monday, June 3, 2024

Blue Orbs at Skinwalker Ranch?

 On HBO Max there is a series "Black Files Declassified" which has some interesting episodes. Episode 2 of Season 2 is entitled "Secrets of the Paranormal." The host interviews an investigator (M. J. Banias) who says he has seen strange things at Skinwalker Ranch.  At the 10:10  mark the investigator says, "There's been a lot of ghost lights, blue orbs and you'll see footprints, and you'll hear things behind you, but there's nothing there."

For another report of orbs being reported at Skinwalker Ranch, see my post here

At the 1:50 mark in the program, host Mike Baker claims there was something called an Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Application Program, and that "its focus was on the paranormal, including ... ghosts and floating orbs." This claim comes from Banias. 

The approach taken by host Mike Baker in the rest of the episode seems like a ridiculous one. He spends almost the entire episode rounding up some people who try to advance very dubious-sounding theories that secret government high-energy projects produced orb sightings. 

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