Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Orb Deja Vu

Photo date: July 29, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken in Grand Central Station in New York (right click to see the photo in its full resolution). We see an orb appearing in a spot I have repeatedly photographed orbs before.

Below is an "auto-adjusted" closeup of the orb. We seem to see a faint face. I have seen an orb with features like this time and time again in my photos.

 Below is an example of many times I have seen a similar-looking orb in my photos. The example below was taken on July 17, 2015.

Here is a closeup from a previous post showing an orb in a position near the orb position in the top photo. Again we see an orb looking like the two orbs above.

And as long as I am mentioning deja vu, I would be remiss if I didn't include a youtube.com link to the best song ever written about deja vu: "Where or When" by Rodgers and Hart.

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