Sunday, March 1, 2015

Floating Orb Face Rests on a Physical Orb

Photo date: January 16, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The following photo was taken in Grand Central Station in New York. The photo was uploaded directly from the camera. Click here to see the photo (DSC06681) at its full resolution.

 Below is a closeup of what we see when we zoom in on the information desk. If you look very closely, you can see not just one orb with a face, but two orbs with a face. The orb on the left gives us a great big example of the common thing I call orb selective positioning. The left orb is positioned on the spherical clock at the center of the centrally located information desk, which is kind of a "in front of the front door of the White House" kind of place to be.

orb face
There is another interesting pair of orbs in the top photo. A closeup of that pair is below. The lower orb seems to be a single orb that is moving very quickly, assuming that we see what photographers called ghosting, the effect produced when something is photographed at a speed much faster than the camera's shutter speed.

orb face

In the photo below (cropped from part of the top photo), we seem to have an apparition cluster that includes various strange creatures (one of which seems to be behind the information window). Other apparition clusters can be seen near the circular information desk.

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