Thursday, March 5, 2015

Weirdest Water Ever: Veils, Crescents, Half Orbs, and Orb Faces

Photo date: December 18, 2014.  Photographer: Mark Mahin.

In the book "The Orb Project" by Miceal Ledwith and Klaus Heinemann, PhD, it says this on page 46 about a rare effect when photographing orbs: "Occasionally objects that resemble graceful drapes of fine cloth appear in attractive formations."

In this incredibly strange photo of water drops, I see some strange veil-like objects I have seen before and have labeled as "orb veils." What is really weird here is that at the top of the photo we see what looks like crescents. In the middle of the photo we see what looks like half-sized orbs. Then at the bottom of the photo I see full-sized orbs with faces, like the ones I normally see in my water drop photos when the water face effect occurs.  It is as if we see a morphing or transformation from crescent shapes into orbs. Very, very strange.

orb veils

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