Thursday, March 5, 2015

Orb Behind Distant Glass at Grand Central Station

Photo date: December 18, 2014.  Photographer: Mark Mahin.

This is a very interesting photo taken at Grand Central Station. It shows an orb that is apparently behind a window that was more than 30 meters distant from my camera, at the opposite end of Grand Central Station.

orb in Grand Central Station

Here is a closeup cropped from the photo above:

distant orb

The eye (seemingly looking rightward) is interesting, as is the fact that the orb is positioned exactly at the bottom of one of the huge windows at Grand Central Station. But even more interesting is that even though the orb is bright enough and opaque enough to block the brown stone behind most of it, the upper line of the window shows no sign of being blocked by the orb. This indicates that the lower part of the orb is behind this window that was more than 30 meters away from my camera. A photo such as this is evidence of a distantly located orb, and is therefore evidence against the "orb zone" theory that orbs are just little specks of dust a few inches from the camera.

For other similar photos on this site, see the blog posts I have labeled "air orb too distant to be dust."

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