Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Haunted Sky

Photo date: February 2, 2016. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below shows a bunch of orbs floating mysteriously above a building in New York City.

sky orbs
A few seconds before taking this photo, in the same position,  I took a photo of a piece of cardboard at arm's length. It showed no orbs. A few seconds after taking this photo, I  took a photo of a piece of cardboard at arm's length. It showed no orbs.  The second photo is below.

I have tried this cardboard test 39 times (as shown here), in the middle of photographing orbs, and not once once have I seen a single orb in front of the cardboard.  This is strong evidence that what is shown is photos like the one at top is not dust in front of the camera.

What also strongly indicates that we are not seeing here dust in front of the camera is that the top photo shows many orbs above the building, but none in front of the building. If we were seeing dust, we would see orbs scattered randomly around the photo area.  See here for 24 other examples of this "orb vertical bias."

There was no rain, fog, mist or precipitation on this night. The air quality listed on was "good."  The pollen count listed on was very low, with a level of only 0.1. 

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