Friday, March 6, 2015

Another Undulating Orb in Grand Central Station

Photo date: February 26, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken in Grand Central Station in New York.

speeding orb in Grand Central Station
Note that the very strange object at top. It is an orb making an undulating, snake-like motion.

moving orb in Grand Central Station
There are three types of orb motions that are inexplicable, because we know of nothing in nature that moves in such a way. The first such motion is when orbs make sharp right-angle turns. See my posts labeled "orb right angle turn" for 14 such cases. The second such motion is when orbs make sharp u-turns. See my posts labeled "orb u-turn" for 3 such cases. The third such motion is when orbs make this type of undulating motion.  See my posts labeled "air orb undulation" for three other such cases.

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