Friday, March 6, 2015

"Kissing Apparitions" in Grand Central Station?

Photo date: January 16, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The following photo was taken in Grand Central Station in New York. The photo was uploaded directly from the camera. Click here to see the photo (DSC06544) at its full resolution. Or click on the photo below to see the photo at a somewhat reduced resolution.

We see four orbs here, but the most interesting things are elsewhere. Many strange things can be discovered by clicking on the link above, copying the resulting image into an image editor such as Windows Photo Viewer, and then using "zoom and pan" to examine small details.
In the right middle of the photo, we see what looks like two floating apparitions that seem to be kissing each other.

kissing ghosts
Speaking of kissing apparitions, we also may see this in the right middle part of the top photo, which also looks like kissing ghosts.

kissing ghosts

In the middle of the West Balcony (near the middle of the top photo), we see a strange group of ghostly-looking figures, one of which looks rather like a ghostly elephant.

Looking at some of the orbs in the top photo, we see one in front of the stars of the US flag (something I often see).  There is also the extremely strange scene below, which seems to show some creature head floating next to two orbs.

orb in Grand Central Station

See the top right corner of this page for a link to a video that shows 1000 such oddities I have photographed in Grand Central Station.

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