Friday, March 13, 2015

UFO Above the Skyscrapers

Photo date: March 12, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

Below is a photo taken in Manhattan.


 You may have heard the great Rodgers and Hart song "Blue Moon," and you may have heard the expression "once in a blue moon." But the object shown here is not at all the moon.  How can I be sure? Because a closeup shows that the object has motion blur. It must have been moving very rapidly.

Could this have been caused by a flash reflection of a rain drop? No, there was no precipitation, fog or mist on this night.  Could this have been caused by a flash reflection of a speck of dust? Also extremely improbable, because the motion blur shows the object was moving much faster than a speck of dust in the air. Also, the website listed the New York City air quality on this night as "good," meaning there was very little dust in the air on this night.  Moreover, a dust speck would almost certainly have a dull color like gray, not a bright blue color.

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