Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Inexplicable But With Distinctive Characteristics

Photo date: April 6, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

Below is a photo of what I call an orb veil. It was taken while photographing nothing but ordinary water drops falling against a dark background.

orb veil
Based on this photo and 18 other photos I have on this blog of this strange phenomenon, I can list some typical characteristics of these "orb veil" objects:
(1) They have an apparent width of a few inches.
(2) They always appear to be very thin, no thicker than a sheet of paper.
(3) They typically have pointy little "spikes" protruding from their outer edges.
(4) Their outer shape is often marked by two lines, an outer perimeter line and another perimeter line  just inside that perimeter line.
(5) One often sees barely visible circles inside the orb veil, as we can see in the photo above.
(6) When these orb veil objects appear, one often sees "orb crescent" shapes as we see in the photo above.
(7) One never sees a shadow behind an orb veil.
(8) They often appear in "stacks," in which we see several orb veils with an identical shape.
(9)  While they normally have a whitish color, they sometimes have a solid orange color.

I know of no hypothesis that explains this phenomenon.

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