Friday, May 29, 2015

A Ghostly Figure Shown in 5 Photos

Photo date: May 28, 2015.  Photographer: Mark Mahin.

Below is a photo of a strange figure seen in a window.


This photo was cropped from the top right corner of the photo below, showing a building on Fifth Avenue in New York, taken at 4:05 PM.

Below is a photo taken after the first photo, also at 4:05 PM.


This photo was cropped from the top right corner of the photo below, showing a building on Fifth Avenue in New York, taken at 4:05 PM.

 Below is a photo taken after the photos above, but also at 4:05 PM.

This photo was cropped from the top right corner of the photo below, showing a building on Fifth Avenue in New York, taken at 4:05 PM.

 Below is a photo taken after the photos above, but also at 4:05 PM.

This photo was cropped from the top right corner of the photo below, showing a building on Fifth Avenue in New York, taken at 4:05 PM.

  Below is a photo taken after the photos above, but also at 4:05 PM.

This photo was cropped from the top right corner of the photo below, showing a building on Fifth Avenue in New York, taken at 4:05 PM.

Could it be this was just some decoration put up by some prankster? No, because the "facial expression" of the ghostly figure clearly changes between the different photos. Note how "wide-eyed" the ghostly figure looks in the fourth photo.

Here is how the same building looked at 4:19 PM, 14 minutes later.

When we look at the same window that showed the ghostly figure shown above, we now see the ghostly figure is gone (or at least what we see looks nothing like the figure shown above).

These photos, like all photos on this blog, are entirely authentic.

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