Sunday, September 6, 2015

Bright "Split Aura" Orbs in the Station

Photo date: June 24, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken in Grand Central Terminal in New York. We see a very bright white orb above the flag.

bright orb
Below is a closeup of the orb. We see a "split aura" orb which has an aura that is half blue, half yellow.

orb aura

On the same day I photographed the orb below, which was bigger, and just as bright.

bright orb

A closeup shows the same "split aura" seen in the other orb -- half blue and half yellow.

In the very rare cases in which suspended dust particles are photographed (which requires heavy levels of airborne dust), such particles don't look even a tenth as bright as these objects, but instead look very dull and pale (as shown here). 

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