Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The TV Colors Rose Up to the Ceiling

Photo date: January 28, 2016. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I have recently been taking an incredibly strange series of photos that show a very weird set of transformations of the light from my TV set.  You can see dozens of previous photos of this type by looking at this very astonishing series of photos.  Below are some more.

The first shows light from my TV set rising up all the way to the ceiling.

The photo below shows the letters "MC" rising above the TV screen.

levitated letters
In the photo below we see two types of "bent levitation."  We can see the letters MC rise up above the TV, with the light bending.

bending light
A closeup shows the same thing is happening to the time on the cable box clock. We see the time of 12:43 on the cable box clock, and those numbers have risen up and "landed" on the TV above the cable box.  You can see the time of 12:43 on both the top and bottom of the photo below.

bending of light rays
The photos were flash photos with an exposure time of 1/30 of a second, using normal camera settings (no "Night picture" setting).

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