Sunday, March 1, 2015

An Inexplicable Series of Photographic "Apparitions"

In this blog post, I will show some authentic unaltered photos that show dramatic evidence of the apparition cluster effect at Grand Central Station.  The series will show what looks like a paranormal transformation of a white wall at the station, viewed from the opposite end of the main terminal.  What is most amazing in this series is that we will see what is apparently an apparition, but the apparition will persist through several different photos taken on the same day.

I call what we will see a series of apparitions because what we will see in the photos below is something so outrageous that it presumably cannot be a match to physical reality. 

 First let's look at the way this wall looks on a normal day (this photo was taken on February 26, 2015). The wall we will focus on is the one shown on the left side of this photo.

Now below are a series of photos from January 2, 2015 (there were some Christmas decorations that still hadn't been taken down on that day).

Here is the first photo, showing what looks like a fairly normal white wall on the left side of the photo, although there are some very strange-looking things to the right.

wonderscape effect
Here is another photo taken a little later on the same day, showing the same area. Now we see the white wall on the left looking much different. What looks like a snout has protruded out of the wall.  Also, it looks as if a huge bear-like creature is looking at the wall.

wonderscape effect
Here is another photo taken a little later on the same day, showing the same area, along with what looks like freaky-looking creatures. Again, we seem to see a huge snout protruding out of the wall, although it looks a little different, drooping down more.

wonderscape effect
Here is another photo taken a little later on the same day, showing the same area, along with what looks like freaky-looking creatures. Again, we seem to see a huge snout protruding out of the wall. In the middle, there is also a faint blue orb that seems to have a smile and an eye.

wonderscape effect
Here is another photo taken a little later on the same day, showing the same area, along with what looks like some strange horse-like creature.  Again, we seem to see a huge snout protruding out of the wall.

wonderscape effect
Here is another photo taken a little later on the same day, showing the same area, along with what looks like strange-looking creatures (which seem to include a strange creature seeming to hang down from the ceiling). Again, we seem to see a huge snout protruding out of the wall.

wonderscape effect
Here is one more photo from the same date, again apparently showing a huge snout protruding out of the wall, along with what looks like some strange creature.

Now here is a photo taken of the same area on January 7, 2014, five days later. By this time the Christmas tinsel at the top of the photos above was removed. Look at the intersecting white planes on the left of this photo, directly above the area between the first and second persons on the left. This is exactly the area where the above photos show a huge white "bear snout" or "pig snout" protruding. There presumably was no such snout on January 2, except for the fleeting transformation that occurred as shown in these photos.

wonderscape effect
For lack of a better term, I will call this an apparition repetition -- an apparition seen repeatedly at the same spot.

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