Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Orb Appearing in Response to a Request?

Photo date: October 19, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken in Grand Central Terminal in New York.  We see a large orb at the top of the photo.

orb in Grand Central
A close up shows a strange thick line in front of the orb.

strange orb
There is a strange story concerning this photo. A few seconds before, I took a photo that showed an orb of about the same size, at about the same spot. But the orb was very dim, and barely visible. I then kind of wished that the orb would show up at that spot, but much brighter.  The next photo I took after thinking this was the photo at the top, which showed an orb at about the same spot as the dim orb I had previously photographed, but much brighter. It was almost as if my thoughts had been read.

This experience is consistent with what has been reported by other orb photographers, that orbs sometimes seem to appear in a way that reflects human wishes, although such an effect does not work in any reliable, regular way. 

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