Friday, May 1, 2015

Orbs in High Megapixel Photos

One technical issue that occasionally comes up in debates about orbs is this: do orbs only show up in photos with a low megapixel count, or do we also see them in photos with a high megapixel count? As we will see, they definitely do appear in photos with a high megapixel count. All of the photos below show orbs in photos that were originally 5152 by 3864 pixels.

Below is a photo from March 11, 2015, showing a large bright pinkish-white orb.

pink orb in Grand Central Station
Here is one photo from April 2, 2015, showing a pink orb and a blue orb.

Here is one photo from April 2, 2015, showing five orbs including one large one.

Here is a photo from March 12, 2015.

Below is a photo from March 11, 2015.

Below is another photo from March 11, 2015.

 Below is another photo from March 11, 2015.

 Below is another photo from March 11, 2015.


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