Thursday, June 25, 2015

Everything Is Blurred Except the Orb

Photo date: June 24, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

Before showing the main subject of this post, let me show (from June 24) a typical orb like the one I often photograph in Grand Central Station.

bright orb
Now in the photo below we will see another orb. But there is something very unusual about this photo. The photo was taken while I was accidentally moving the camera. As a result, everything in the photo is blurred, except for one thing: the orb shown at the top of the photo.

This is very astonishing. Based on everything we know about photography, the orb in the top center of the photo should also have a blurred, streaky appearance. But it does not.

This photo almost suggests the hypothesis that orbs appearing in photos may be somehow items that are added to a photo by some paranormal power, after the photons have entered the camera. Of course, such an idea is pure speculation.

Here from April 26, 2015 is another photo showing the same thing. We see a photo of the Chrysler Building in New York. Because I accidentally moved the camera, everything is streaked -- except for the orb at the top of the photo, which shows no sign of any such streaking.  How could such an effect naturally occur?

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