Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Split Aura of a "Sawed" Orb

Photo date: December 30, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photo below was taken in Grand Central Terminal in New York.  We see an unusual orb with a flat edge in the corner of the photo.

weird object
A closeup shows another example of a "split aura" orb, which seems to have a blue aura on one side and a yellow aura on the other.

What is extremely strange is that when I get this this type of flat-edged orb in my photos (what I call "sawed" orbs), they seem to almost always appear in the top corners of photos (as I noted in this post giving some examples).

Below is another example from December 17, 2015. Again one of the edges of the orb is flat, and again it appears in one of the top corners of the photo.

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