Tuesday, November 3, 2015

"Sawed" Orb Seems to Prefer the Top Corner of Photos

Most of the orbs I photograph in the air have a round appearance. But  I sometimes photograph a type of orb I call a "sawed orb," which looks kind of like what you would have if you took a spherical watermelon, and sawed off about one fifth of it.  What is extremely strange is that almost always when I photograph such a "sawed orb," it seems to only appear in one of the top corners of my photos.  Below are some examples.

Here is one example from September 22, 2015. 

Here is another example from October 21, 2015.

Here is another example from November 1, 2015.

Here is another example from October 26, 2015.

On the same day I took this photo at an indoor location, with the "sawed orb" again appearing in the top right corner of the picture.

In each of these five photos, we have an orb with a straight line, a straight line that points from the northwest direction to the southeast direction. In each case the orb appeared in the top right corner of the photos.  I can't help thinking that this is more than just a coincidence, although I have no theory to explain these remarkable similarities. Each of these orbs was not seen in the previous photo or the next photo.

In this post I discuss something very similar (three orbs looking like the ones above, all appearing in the top right corner of the photo on a particular day).  Two further examples of the same thing can be seen here.

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