Monday, November 2, 2015

Duplication of the Duplicating Orb Veil

Photo date: November 2, 2015. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The photos below were taken while photographing ordinary drops of pure, clean water falling against a dark featureless background.  The first photo shows two of the mysterious objects I call orb veils.   The two orb veils seem to have exactly the same shape. It's yet another example of a congruent stack of orb veils, shown also in this series of 21 photos.

The next photo was taken about seven seconds later.  We now see two congruent orb veils with exactly the same shape as the orb veils in the previous photo. But now the top orb veil is orange colored.

The next photo showed no such object.

This is the same type of phenomenon seen in this blog post, where I  photographed an orb veil with an extremely distinctive shape, and then (after two photos showing no such object) photographed another orb veil with exactly the same very distinctive shape.

There are two possibilities here. One possibility is that the two photos above show a congruent pair of orb veils that persisted for seven seconds, but changed color to orange. The second possibility is that the second photo shows a reappearance of a pair of orb veils, with the two orb veils having exactly the same very distinctive shape as the two orb veils that previously appeared. In either case we seem to have something quite paranormal that cannot at all be explained as some kind of transient splash or mundane light effect.

I may note that we cannot explain these orb veils as being water splashes on the camera lens. Whenever you have a water drop on the lens, it always results in a very blurry splotch, because the camera cannot focus on anything right on the lens. But  my orb veil photos such as these show objects with clear distinct details and nice sharp edges, meaning the object photographed cannot be  on the camera lens.

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